Template for automation IF action

Hi all,

I am trying to setup an automation that will only run if my doorbell hasn’t been pressed for at least 60 seconds.

I have started by using the IF-ELSE action with a template:

  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {%- set ts_event = as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.front_door_bell.last_changed)|round(0) %}

      {%- set ts_now = as_timestamp(now())|round(0) %}

      {%- set ts_delta = (ts_now - ts_event) %}

      {{ ts_delta > 60 }}
then: []

The code is borrowed from: Difference in seconds between input_datetime and now() and if I put it in the dev tools it runs and prints out True but in the automation will not pass regardless of the time (even if I change > for <)

I’ve been searching on using if with templates, but all I have found is about using IF-ELSE inside templates.

I have obviously got something wrong but I have been unable to search and figure out what it is, and have just confused myself further :cry:

Ok, I don’t know what I done but it is working now!? LOL

Sorry to bother people…

That shouldn’t be working.

This will

  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {%- set ts = states.binary_sensor.front_door_bell.last_changed %}
      {{ (now() - ts).total_seconds() > 60 }}