Template for Device position action?

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to apply to a device position, a templace calculation ?

For example, for a shelly module action:

  - device_id: d98f855e3e1244c381999999bdfa
    domain: cover
    entity_id: cover.shellyswitch25_98cd99999cc
    type: set_position
    position: '{{ 1 / states('sensor.ble_illuminance_582d3460cd93')| float  ** 0.7  * 20000 | int}} '

Position seem only to work with integer (between 0 to 100 ?)

Is there a workaround for this usage type ?

You’ll have to explain what you are trying to calculate with your template…
but you can use templates to define the position value if you use a Call service action instead of a Device action.

    - service: cover.set_cover_position
        entity_id: cover.shellyswitch25_98cd99999cc
        position: >
          {{ 1 / states('sensor.ble_illuminance_582d3460cd93')| float  ** 0.7  * 20000 | int}}

Hello @Didgeridrew

Indeed, I need to explain^^

I want to shut my rolling shutter regarding outdoor luminosity.
I was “reverse” a function to have a non linear level value regarding the lux number (wired idea)
Globally, value is

  • near 10% when lux is > 10000
  • near 100% when lux ~ 1000

I didn’t want a linear function because I don’t want to be at 50% when lux ~5000.

I will try your solution to fix position with template, thanks.

Do you have another suggestion for roller shutter “step” closing regarding lux ?

For an automation, I would probably use this as the base for a template sensor.
I’ve used a geometric-ish sequence in this example, but you can play around with the values in the map to get the shading that you like:

  - sensor:
    - name: "Illuminance Position"
      state: >
        {% set lux = 
        ( states('sensor.ble_illuminance_582d3460cd93') 
        | float(0) | round(-3, "floor")) | int %}
        {%- if lux > 10000 %}{% set lux = 10000 %}
        {% elif lux < 1000 %}{%- set lux = 0 %}
        {% endif %}
        {%- set map =  {
        0: 0,
        1000: 0.8,
        2000: 0.12,
        3000: 0.17, 
        4000: 0.22, 
        5000: 0.28, 
        6000: 0.36, 
        7000: 0.46,
        8000: 0.60,
        9000: 0.77,
        10000: 1 } %}
        {{ map.get(lux)}}
alias: "Adjust Blinds - Illuminance"
description: >
  Adjust the position of the blinds based on the illuminance position sensors value
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.illuminance_position
      - "unknown"
      - "unavailable"
    for: '00:01:00'
condition: []
  - service: cover.set_cover_position
      entity_id: cover.shellyswitch25_98cd99999cc
      position: "{{ trigger.to_state.state }}"
mode: single