Template for TTS using Alexa's SSML

hello there,
Am trying to make a silly template which will announce via alexa how much time I slept the previous night.

I’ve create two variables, “sleeptime” and ”time_to_goal”.
What I want to achieve is to convert the “time_to_goal” to integer so Alexa won’t announce any decimal digits.

service: notify.alexa_media
  target: "{{ states.sensor.last_alexa.state }}"
    type: tts
  message: >-
        {% set sleeptime = states('sensor.sleep_time_yesterday_for_makis') | float | round(1) %}
        {% set time_to_goal = (((8 - states('sensor.sleep_time_yesterday_for_makis') | float) | round(1)) * 100) | int   %}
        {% if sleeptime | float > 8 %}

        <amazon:emotion name="excited" intensity="high">

        The pre-defined sleep time has been reached. You slept {{ sleeptime }} hours.


        {% else %}

        <amazon:emotion name="disappointed" intensity="high">

        The pre-defined sleep time has not been reached.<break time="1s"/>

        You slept {{ sleeptime }} hours which is {{ time_to_goal }} minutes less than the desired sleep time.


        {% endif %}


It seems correct to me but can you please confirm that the math inslide time_to_goal variable are correct ???

I revised my speak function. It look’s much better now.
What do you think? ?

        {% set sleeptime = states('sensor.sleep_time_yesterday_for_makis') | float | round(1) %}        

        {% if sleeptime > 7 and sleeptime < 8 %}
        {% set time_to_goal = (((8 - sleeptime) | round(2)) * 100) | int  %}

        {% else %}

        {% set time_to_goal = (8 - sleeptime) | round(1)  %}     

        {% endif %}
        {% if sleeptime > 8 %}

        <amazon:emotion name="excited" intensity="high">

        The pre-defined sleep time has been reached. You slept {{ sleeptime }} hours.


        {% else %}

        <amazon:emotion name="disappointed" intensity="high">

        The pre-defined sleep time has not been reached.<break time="1s"/>

        You slept {{ sleeptime }} hours which is {{ time_to_goal }} {% if sleeptime > 7 %}minutes {% else %}hours{% endif %} less than the desired sleep time.


        {% endif %}
