Template help with nested elements - Grocy Chores

Im integrating with grocy and would like to have a simple button for chore completion. So the first think i’d like to do is check if the chore is due today. I have a sensor with multiple nested fields and I am just a bit too under qualified to figure this out. Here is what the sensor looks like.

  - id: 1
    name: Open Blinds
    description: ''
    period_type: daily
    period_config: ''
    period_days: 0
    track_date_only: false
    rollover: true
    assignment_type: in-alphabetical-order
    assignment_config: '4'
    next_execution_assigned_to_user_id: 4
    userfields: null
    last_tracked_time: null
    next_estimated_execution_time: '2021-05-05T14:15:12+00:00'
    last_done_by: null
    track_count: null
      id: 4
      username: john
      first_name: John
      last_name: Gratis
      display_name: John Gratis
unit_of_measurement: Chore(s)
friendly_name: Grocy chores
icon: 'mdi:broom'

Im trying to gather if the next_estimated_execution_time is today. What i’d like to do is truncate that to a date with only the day, aka 2021-05-05 and see if that matches today. What I have so far is this:

{{ state_attr('sensor.grocy_chores', 'chores')[0]['next_estimated_execution_time'] }}

That works. However, I cannot figure out how to get the specific chore i want! I was thinking it would be something along the lines of:

{{ state_attr('sensor.grocy_chores.chores', 'name')['Open Blinds']['next_estimated_execution_time'] }}

but nothing i do seems to work. I know I’m missing an elementary understanding somewhere, so hoping the community here can get me past this hurdle.

A bit more complicated

To extract the value do this

{% for item in states.sensor.grocy_chores.attributes.chores %}
{% if item['name'] == 'Open Blinds' %}
  {{ item['next_estimated_execution_time'] }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

To check if it is today, there multiple ways, but for example you can do this

{% for item in states.sensor.grocy_chores.attributes.chores %}
{% if item['name'] == 'Open Blinds' %}
  {{ item['next_estimated_execution_time'].split('T')[0] == now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Thank you so much! I have not worked much with looping through objects, guess its time i learn! I do appreciate you taking the time to put that together, ill be reverse engineering it to my needs. thanks again.

Just wanted to resurrect this topic as I have a very similar problem.

Would there be a way to check if there are any chores due within the next 3 days?

What I ultimately want to do is have an area on my dashboard that only shows if there are chores due within 3 days (or possibly 1 day, but I’m guessing this would be relatively easy to change).

Here are the attributes for the sensor.grocy_chores entity:

state_class: measurement
- id: 1
  name: Water Plants
  description: ''
  period_type: weekly
  period_config: tuesday
  period_days: 1
  track_date_only: true
  rollover: false
  assignment_type: in-alphabetical-order
  assignment_config: '2'
  next_execution_assigned_to_user_id: 2
  userfields: null
  last_tracked_time: null
  next_estimated_execution_time: '2023-04-19T23:59:59'
  last_done_by: null
  track_count: 0
    id: 2
    username: martin
    first_name: Martin
    last_name: Granger
    display_name: Martin Granger
- id: 2
  name: test chore
  description: ''
  period_type: weekly
  period_config: friday
  period_days: 1
  track_date_only: true
  rollover: false
  assignment_type: in-alphabetical-order
  assignment_config: '2'
  next_execution_assigned_to_user_id: 2
  userfields: null
  last_tracked_time: '2023-04-20T00:00:00'
  next_estimated_execution_time: '2023-04-28T23:59:59'
    id: 1
    username: admin
    first_name: null
    last_name: null
    display_name: admin
  track_count: 0
    id: 2
    username: martin
    first_name: Martin
    last_name: Granger
    display_name: Martin Granger

count: 2
unit_of_measurement: Chore(s)
icon: mdi:broom
friendly_name: Grocy chores

Thanks - I’m actually using that card, but I only want it to appear if there is a chore due. That’s where the template needs to come in I think.

Have you tried setting show_empty: false? I’ve got a bunch of chores due right now, so I can’t test it… :slight_smile:

If that doesn’t work, you could use a Conditional card, but they do not accept templates, so you would need to set up a template binary sensor.

{% set days = 3 %}
{{ state_attr('sensor.grocy_chores', 'chores')
| map(attribute ='next_estimated_execution_time')
| sort | reject('gt', (today_at()+timedelta(days=(days+1)))|string)
| list | count > 0 }}

I dont think the show_empty: will fork as with chores, many of them are weekly therefore even if you have done all the chores, they still remain.

I’ll give the template a go - thanks for looking at it :slightly_smiling_face:

This works great! Many thanks for your help!

Just for completion if others find this:
I created two sensors, one for Chores and one for Taks:

I could then use these as conditions in the conditional card to display the Grocy lists.

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Tasks Check'
      value_template: >
        {% set days = 3 %}
        {{ state_attr('sensor.grocy_tasks', 'tasks')
        | map(attribute ='count')
        | list | count > 0 }}

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Chores Check'
      value_template: >
        {% set days = 3 %}
        {{ state_attr('sensor.grocy_chores', 'chores')
        | map(attribute ='next_estimated_execution_time')
        | sort | reject('gt', (today_at()+timedelta(days=(days+1)))|string)
        | list | count > 0 }}
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Hi Martin_Granger,

Umm. would you mind sharing How you created the two sensors sensor.grocy_chores & sensor.grocy_tasks?

They are created by installing the Grocy chores card in HACS: