Template Help

Hey all.

Love the forum and the product - I’m really starting to get into the IoT swing of things now…

Where I am at is I’m a tinkerer and by no means a coder. What I want to achieve is to measure the water level in a tank and display it as a %. Thus far I have a ultrasonic sensor measuring the depth every 30 seconds and reporting if the depth changes by more the 5cm (the sensor seems to be all over the shop and isn’t very stable so i cranked up the diff until I can sort that out). So what I would like to do is take the measured depth, subtract the height of the sensor from the max water level (the sensor will always be 30+cm above the very top water line) and then use that value to generate a % from the known measured total depth of the tank.

Is this doable?



Yes, that’s doable. Have you found the solution or would you like some help still?