Template: How many days to next_event from schedule

Hi all,

i‘m a beginner at YAML.

i want to calculate the remaining days to next event on a schedule helper. I cant find any solution on the www. Here my code snippets

{% set duedate = now().fromtimestamp(as_timestamp(state_attr("schedule.ventil6", "next_event"))).astimezone %}
{% set currentdate = now().astimezone() %}
{% set days =  currentdate - duedate %}

Error: TypeError: ‘datetime.datetime’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer

is there anyone out there who can help me?

Thanks a lot!

For full days you would use

{{ (state_attr('schedule.ventil6', 'next_event') - now()).days }}

For partial days, you will need to describe how you want the information to be shown.

Hey, thank you for your fast response. @Didgeridrew You’re right, i think i need a other solution.

I want to show the time and string (today, tommorow…) from the next event. So i think the full days are the wrong way?
Here the full code.

              {% if state_attr('schedule.ventil6', 'next_event') == None %}
                {{ 'no schedule' }}
              {% else %}
                {% set days =  (state_attr('schedule.ventil6', 'next_event') - now()).days %}
                    {% if days == 3 %}
                        {{ state_attr('schedule.ventil6', 'next_event').strftime('day after tomorrow %H:%M Uhr') }}
                    {% elif days == 2 %}
                        {{ state_attr('schedule.ventil6', 'next_event').strftime('tommorow %H:%M Uhr') }}
                    {% elif days == 1 %}                        
                        {{ state_attr('schedule.ventil6', 'next_event').strftime('today %H:%M Uhr') }}
                    {% endif %}
              {% endif %}
{% set next = state_attr('schedule.ventil6', 'next_event') %}
{% set days = (next.date() - now().date()).days if next != None %}
{% set mapper = {2: 'day after tomorrow', 1: 'tomorrow', 0: 'today'} %}
{% if days in mapper.keys() %}
  {{ mapper.get(days) }}{{ next.strftime(' %H:%M Uhr') }}
{% elif next == None %}
  {{ 'no schedule' }}
{% endif %}
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Thank you, for the clean code! Works perfect! :slightly_smiling_face: