Template in entity card

Hi friends,

i’m having a little layout problem since version 0.118 of home assistant (docker version).
I have a global template for my covers, so that can see the current position of the cover in the entitity_picture. This is done within a customize_glob.yaml in my home assistant directory:

    entity_picture: >
      if (state === 'closed') return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_00.png';
      if (attributes.current_position <= 10) return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_10.png';
      if (attributes.current_position <= 20) return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_20.png';
      if (attributes.current_position <= 30) return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_30.png';
      if (attributes.current_position <= 40) return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_40.png';
      if (attributes.current_position <= 50) return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_50.png';
      if (attributes.current_position <= 60) return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_60.png';
      if (attributes.current_position <= 70) return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_70.png';
      if (attributes.current_position <= 80) return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_80.png';
      if (attributes.current_position <= 90) return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_90.png';
      return '/local/shuttericonsnew/blinds_99.png';

And it still works perfectly in the new version. So far, so good.
But now i have a new “data-row” in my entity card details, which shows the template code:

Any idea how i can fix that? I know it’s just a visual thing, but it drives me crazy :frowning:

Any help would be appreciated.


You should ask this in the CustomUI thread. My assumption is that this cannot be fixed because this template field is what CustomUI executes.

yep, it can be fixed, by the customization hide_attributes:

        - templates
        - editable
        - icon_color

though HA 1.0b0 broke that currently, hope we have it up and running after thorough inspection what the dev frontend team changed yet again in the more-info card…
but, up to 118.5 this works just fine.