Template integration defines attributes dynamic from state template


I’m using the template integration to create a state template finding some values. Only one should set in state and others at attributes. I think it isn’t fine to running the same template in every attribute define again. So how can I set the different attributes.

  - unique_id: tmp_urlaubskalender
    name: tmp_urlaubskalender
    icon: mdi:calendar-search
    state: >-
      {% set nextoffset = namespace(found = false, offset = 999, date = '') %}
      {% for scheduler in integration_entities('scheduler') %}
        {% if 'Urlaub' in state_attr(scheduler,'tags') %}
          {% if not (state_attr(scheduler,'next_trigger') in ['unavailable', 'unknown', 'none']) %}
            {% set today = as_timestamp(now()) %}
            {% set next = as_timestamp(state_attr(scheduler,'next_trigger')) %}
            {% set offset = ((next-today)/86400) | round(0,'ceil') %}
            {% if offset < nextoffset.offset %}
              {% set nextoffset.found = true %}
              {% set nextoffset.offset = offset %}
              {% set nextoffset.date = next | timestamp_custom('%d.%m.') %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
      {{- nextoffset.found -}}

So here you can see setting the state to nextoffset.found and I want to set at attribute call offset to nextoffset.offset …

But without using always this code to get the different values?

I hope it’s clear :wink:

Thank you, Steffen

Maybe it’s a little bit clearer if I post the full code. Here You can see that I run nearly the same code three times (yes a little bit of optimization is needed), an using ressources to fill the state and different attributes. The question is can I fill attributes with only on running template (reference the variables of state in attribute section or create attributes from state section …)?

- trigger:
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - platform: time
      - '00:00:10'
      - '12:00:10'
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.urlaubsmodus
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.templatetrigger
    to: 'on'
  - unique_id: tmp_nextdate_urlaubskalender
    name: tmp_nextdate_urlaubskalender
    device_class: date
    icon: mdi:calendar-search
    state: >-
      {% set nextoffset = namespace(found = false, offset = 365, date = '') %}
      {% for scheduler in integration_entities('scheduler') %}
        {% if 'Urlaub' in state_attr(scheduler,'tags') %}
          {% if not (state_attr(scheduler,'next_trigger') in ['unavailable', 'unknown', 'none']) %}
            {% set today = as_timestamp(now().date()) %}
            {% set next = as_timestamp((state_attr(scheduler,'next_trigger') | as_datetime | as_local).date()) %}
            {% set offset = ((next-today)/86400) | round(0,'ceil') %}
            {% if offset < nextoffset.offset %}
              {% set nextoffset.found = true %}
              {% set nextoffset.offset = offset %}
              {% set nextoffset.date = next %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
      {% if nextoffset.found == true %}
        {{- nextoffset.date | timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d') -}}
      {% else %}
        {{- none -}}
      {% endif %}
      days_left: >-
        {% set nextoffset = namespace(found = false, offset = 365, date = '') %}
        {% for scheduler in integration_entities('scheduler') %}
          {% if 'Urlaub' in state_attr(scheduler,'tags') %}
            {% if not (state_attr(scheduler,'next_trigger') in ['unavailable', 'unknown', 'none']) %}
              {% set today = as_timestamp(now().date()) %}
              {% set next = as_timestamp((state_attr(scheduler,'next_trigger') | as_datetime | as_local).date()) %}
              {% set offset = ((next-today)/86400) | round(0,'ceil') %}
              {% if offset < nextoffset.offset %}
                {% set nextoffset.found = true %}
                {% set nextoffset.offset = offset %}
                {% set nextoffset.date = next %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        {% if nextoffset.found == true %}
          {{- nextoffset.offset -}}
        {% else %}
          {{- none -}}
        {% endif %}
      next_date_text: >-
        {% set nextoffset = namespace(found = false, offset = 365, date = '') %}
        {% for scheduler in integration_entities('scheduler') %}
          {% if 'Urlaub' in state_attr(scheduler,'tags') %}
            {% if not (state_attr(scheduler,'next_trigger') in ['unavailable', 'unknown', 'none']) %}
              {% set today = as_timestamp(now().date()) %}
              {% set next = as_timestamp((state_attr(scheduler,'next_trigger') | as_datetime | as_local).date()) %}
              {% set offset = ((next-today)/86400) | round(0,'ceil') %}
              {% if offset < nextoffset.offset %}
                {% set nextoffset.found = true %}
                {% set nextoffset.offset = offset %}
                {% set nextoffset.date = next %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        {% if nextoffset.found == true %}
          {% if (nextoffset.offset) <= 0 %}
            {{- "Heute startet der Urlaub!" -}}
          {% elif (nextoffset.offset) < 1 %}
            {{- "Nächster Urlaub startet Morgen (" + (nextoffset.date | timestamp_custom('%d.%m.')) + ")." -}}
          {% elif (nextoffset.offset) < 2 %}
            {{- "Nächster Urlaub startet Übermorgen (" + (nextoffset.date | timestamp_custom('%d.%m.')) + ")." -}}
          {% else %}
            {{- "Nächster Urlaub in " -}}
            {{- nextoffset.offset | round(0,'ceil') -}}
            {{- " Tagen (" + (nextoffset.date | timestamp_custom('%d.%m.')) + ")." -}}
          {% endif %}
        {% else %}
          {{- none -}}
        {% endif %}
