I am puzzeling now for almost half a day but can’t get it working.
My code is:
- type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
entity: binary_sensor.roombaroomba_bin_full
layout: vertical
icon_color: red
primary_info: name
secondary_info: last-changed
name: >
{%- if is_state("binary_sensor.roombaroomba_bin_full", 'on') -%}
{%- else -%}
{% endif %}
No matter how I change hyphens, semicolons, brackets, greater than’s etc etc, it isn’t flying and gives me nothing else than this outcome in my dashboard:
Can anyone help me out?
Secondary question:
Is there any comprehensive explanation on >'s and -'s after the key declaration, like in this case after the name:
part? I have seen also ‘1’ in certain examples but I have no clue what the do and when to use what and what it actualy says to the parser.