Template not triggering

I am trying to trigger an automation when a value of a sensor reaches 1.0 below that of the input number.

platform: template
value_template: >-
  "{{ states('sensor.living_room_temperature_temperature') <
  states('input_number.lr_upper_temp') | float - 1.0 }}
id: LR-Too-Cold
alias: LR-Below-Min-Temp

It works when the second half (i.e. after the <) is a fixed input number but I am struggle to work out how to do subtract 1.0 from it.

Thanks in advance.

You need to float both parts of the sum, provide a default value to float, and lose the double quote:

value_template: >-
  {{ states('sensor.living_room_temperature_temperature')|float(0) <
     states('input_number.lr_upper_temp')|float(0) - 1.0 }}

That will trigger whenever either entity changes and the living room temperature is less than the upper temperature minus 1 degree.

Perfect, thank you. Yeah double quotes were me trying things, thanks though make perfect sense that the equation needs to be balanced… Thanks again.

You need the double quotes on both ends only if you’re putting the template on a single line:

value_template: "{{ states('sensor.living_room_temperature_temperature')|float(0) < states('input_number.lr_upper_temp')|float(0) - 1.0 }}"

I didn’t know that, thank you.