I am trying to create some automations using my new HomeSeer WX300 Dimmers. I have successfully added them to my Z-Wave network, and Home Assistant sees them without issue.
I have created a few helpers in the HA UI to be able to adjust the behaviour of my night lighting.
I want to adjust the default dim level on the WX300 so when I get up in the middle of the night, it’s automatically at a preferred lighting level.
I have used the template page in Developer Tools, and it outputs the number correctly (as best I can tell) but when i use the same line of code in my automation, i get “Message malformed: not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[‘type’]” error. If I simply enter a number like “50” instead of the template, It works fine.
What am I missing with getting this going?
alias: Night Lights - Master Bedroom
description: Set the turn-on brightness of the dimmer for night time and daytime uses
- platform: time
at: input_datetime.master_bedroom_night_lighting_time
id: night
- platform: time
at: input_datetime.master_bedroom_day_lighting_time
id: day
condition: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
id: night
- device_id: 84171cc322b0521e24aeadfce5639507
domain: zwave_js
type: set_config_parameter
parameter: 36
bitmask: null
subtype: 36 (Default Brightness (Manual Control))
value: {{ states('input_number.master_bedroom_day_lighting_brightness') |int }}
mode: single
the line below is the problematic entry.
value: {{ states('input_number.master_bedroom_day_lighting_brightness') |int }}
but this works no problem, so i know the rest of it is good
value: 50