I’ll try to get some of the attributes of another sensor for another template sensor. Hereby,
I try to define the attribute_templates of an template sensor via jinja, but constantly receive the message
Invalid config for [sensor.template]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['sensors']['octoprint_petg']['attribute_templates']. Got '{%- for key, value in states.sensor.octoprint.attributes.spools.PETG.items() -%}{{key}}: {{value}} {% endfor %}'. (See ?, line ?).
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.octoprint.attributes.printer.bedTarget }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'g'
attribute_templates: >-
{%- for key, value in states.sensor.octoprint.attributes.spools.PETG.items() -%}{{key}}: {{value}}
{% endfor %}
When executing the jinja code via the development tools, I get a niceresult:
Blau: 815
Braun: 1000
Schwarz: 1000
Weiß: 1000
What am I doing wrong? Seems to be indentation but I cannot get it working