I have been playing with the developer tool for template sensor building and have the below code working but it is UGLY. I am sure there is a better way to do it. But when I try to create a sensor with this info, it fails because it doesn’t like my custom_time function format for some reason.
{{ states("sensor.grocy_chores") }}
{% set chores = state_attr('sensor.grocy_chores', 'chores') | selectattr('next_execution_assigned_to_user_id','eq',2) | list %}
{% set endofday = as_timestamp(now().date() | timestamp_custom('%Y.%m.%d 23:59')) %}
set data = namespace(pastchores=[])
{%- for chore in chores -%}
{% set choredue = as_timestamp(chore.next_estimated_execution_time) | int %}
{% if choredue < endofday %}
{% set data.pastchores = data.pastchores + [chore.name] %}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ data.pastchores | list }}
So basically what I am doing here is looking for all chores assigned to id = 2. Then looping through them and seeing if they are overdue or due today. I do the today based on the date and manually adding the 11:59pm. I feel there has to be a better way to do this. I am just looking to get a list of the chores overdue or due today in a dedicated list.
Any suggestions? (still new to the templating stuff)