Sorry for being a NOOB on this. I have looked through the forum and not managed to find a solution. I have two power meters, one measures the entire circuit and the other measures a specific device. These work perfectly, but I am double accounting the energy usage on the specific device. I would like to define another variable that I can use on the energy dashboard etc as the complete circuit - the specific device. I have created a template and it seems to work. But when I load this into my configuration.yaml it fails to restart home assistant
- platform: template
friendly_name: Separated Top Floor Sockets total Consumption
unit_of_measurement: kWh
value_template: >-
{{ ( states('sensor.shelly_shem_3_c45bbe7998ad_3_total_consumption') | float |round(1)) - ( states('sensor.shelly_shem_bcff4dfcdc57_1_total_consumption') | float| round(1))}}
Any help would be most appreciated