I try to implement a kind of blueprint for a bench of template sensors dependant on HA integration sensors.
To be open for different hardware and different naming concentions I’ve defined global variables via a custom template 032-emhass.jinja in which I’m mapping the entity names used by the template sensors to the real entity names as defined by the different integrations.
My condensed 032-emhass.jinja custom_template (the real file is 20x bigger):
{%- macro globalVariables() %}
{# 1 x Huawei SUN2000-6KTL-M1 (High Current Version) #}
{# 1 x Huawei LUNA2000-10-S0 #}
{# 1 x Huawei LUNA2000-5-S0 #}
{{- {
'inverter_rated_power': 6000.0,
'inverter_maximum_active_power': 6600.0,
'batteries_rated_capacity': 15.0,
'batteries_rated_charge_energy': 17.250,
'batteries_rated_discharge_power': 6600.0,
'batteries_rated_charge_power': 7500.0,
'batteries_soc_setpoint_low': 5.0,
'batteries_soc_setpoint_neutral': 60.0,
'batteries_soc_setpoint_high': 75.0,
'epexspot_quantile_setpoint_low': 0.15,
'epexspot_quantile_setpoint_neutral': 0.33,
'epexspot_quantile_setpoint_high': 0.96,
'inv_input_power': 'sensor.inverter_input_power',
'inv_active_power': 'sensor.inverter_active_power',
'grid_active_power': 'sensor.power_meter_active_power',
}|to_json -}}
{%- endmacro %}
This approach is working very well by using below state triggers:
- trigger:
- platform: state
- sensor.inverter_input_power
- sensor.inverter_active_power
- "unknown"
- "unavailable"
- "none"
- "unknown"
- "unavailable"
- "none"
- variables:
var: >-
{% from '032-emhass.jinja' import globalVariables %}
{{ globalVariables()|from_json }}
inv_input_power: "{{ states(var.inv_input_power)|int(0) }}"
inv_active_power: "{{ states(var.inv_active_power)|int(0) }}"
grid_active_power: "{{ states(var.grid_active_power)|int(0) }}"
grid_export_power: "{{ max(0, grid_active_power) }}"
grid_import_power: "{{ -min(0, grid_active_power) }}"
house_power: "{{ inv_active_power - grid_active_power }}"
house_power_with_correction: >-
{% if house_power > 0 %}
{{ house_power }}
{% else %}
{{ states(var.house_power)|float(0) }}
{% endif %}
# Sensor for House power
# - Correction to avoid negative load
- name: house_consumption_power
unique_id: house_consumption_power
#friendly_name: "Power meter House power"
state_class: measurement
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: "W"
icon: mdi:home-lightning-bolt
state: "{{ house_power_with_correction }}"
Is there any possibility of templating the state trigger?
- trigger:
- platform: state
- sensor.inverter_input_power
- sensor.inverter_active_power
I’ve tried the following but as the value template will only stay to true this doesn’t work:
- trigger:
- platform: template
value_template: "{% if has_value('sensor.inverter_input_power') %}true{% endif %}"
Any help or workarround is appreaciated - Thanks in advance!