Hi Everyone,
I’ve entered in my sensors.yaml the following code :
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Sun angle"
unit_of_measurement: 'degrees'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') }}"tate_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') }}"
And in my ui-lovelace.yaml
- title: ACCUEIL
- type: sensor
entity: sensor.solar_angle
when loading, I get the error : sensor entity not available
and when I look to the list of entities in the UI, this sensor is unknown.
Any suggestion?
You repeated part of the code at the end of the value template, remove everything after the double quotes.
Should be like this:
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') }}"
You should also have an error under Configuration -> Logs
Sorry, it was an error in pasting the code, the effective code is
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Sun angle"
unit_of_measurement: 'degrees'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') }}"
And there is no error in Configuration -> Logs
Do you have default_config or sun loaded?
Under Developer Tools -> States, is there an entity called sun.sun
yes, I fave this entity sun.sun with the attributes :
next_dawn: 2021-01-08T07:04:51+00:00
next_dusk: 2021-01-07T16:52:21+00:00
next_midnight: 2021-01-07T23:59:22+00:00
next_noon: 2021-01-07T11:58:43+00:00
next_rising: 2021-01-08T07:40:23+00:00
next_setting: 2021-01-07T16:16:44+00:00
elevation: 14.48
azimuth: 149.97
rising: true
friendly_name: Sun
Hmm, can you try this:
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') | float }}"
And you said you see the entity sensor.solar_angle
under Developer Tools -> States?
You could also try commenting out the code, reload template entities and see if the entity disappears, if it doesn’t the entity has been condigured somewhere else as well.
I’ve changed the code but when loading, I still get the error : sensor entity not available
the sensor DID NOT appear under Developer Tools -> States, and it does not yet.
I have also tried several value_template
, it does not any matter.
Ok, then the value template is not the problem.
Can you please show the include section for sensors in your configuration.yaml. And the sensors.yaml file as well.
Did other sensors work that you configured there or is this your first sensor setup in YAML?
It is the first time I try to define a template sensor
Here is the line for inclusion:
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
and the content of sensors.yaml
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Sun angle"
unit_of_measurement: 'degrees'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') | float }}"
What’s that strange sign at the end of the include, is this a copy/past error?
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
Is sensors.yaml in the same directory as configuration.yaml and is the content you showed everything that you have in sensors.yaml?
I’m sorry, but I cannot see any strange character et the end of
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
Is sensors.yaml in the same directory as configuration.yaml
and is the content you showed everything that you have in sensors.yaml?
I have also tried to insert the content of sensors.yaml
in ui-lovelace.yaml
: the result is the same message.
January 7, 2021, 12:56pm
Do you have more than 1 sensor section?
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No, this one is the only one.
January 7, 2021, 1:35pm
did you save sensors.yaml? Is sensors.yaml actually named sensor.yaml? There’s not much else that can be wrong other than spelling errors on your end.
No, sensors.yaml is actually named sensors.yaml
I have other inclusions in ui-lovelace.yaml
group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
switch: !include switches.yaml
light: !include lights.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
All others work fine!
January 7, 2021, 2:21pm
Did you mean to say configuration.yaml
January 7, 2021, 2:24pm
Whelp, there’s a piece of information that you’re not providing because it should be working.
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