Template sensor showing unavailable since 2023.5

I set up these templates a while ago to tell me when the trash goes out. I don’t know exactly when this started, but it was somewhere between 2023.4 and .5. I think it may even have been in between updates. They both show unavailable now and I haven’t made any changes. I do see a breaking change in 2023.5 for templates but I’m not sure that’s relevant to my templates below.

      friendly_name: "Garbage"
      unit_of_measurement: days
      value_template: >
        {% set t = now() %}
        {% set midnight = today_at() %}
        {% set event = state_attr('calendar.garbage_collection','start_time') | as_datetime | as_local %}
        {% set delta = event - midnight %}
        {% if delta.days == 0 %}
        {% elif delta.days == 1 %}
        {% elif delta.days == 2 %}
          Day After Tomorrow
        {% else %}
          In {{ delta.days }} Days
        {% endif %}
      friendly_name: "Recycling"
      unit_of_measurement: days
      value_template: >
        {% set t = now() %}
        {% set midnight = today_at() %}
        {% set event = state_attr('calendar.recycling','start_time') | as_datetime | as_local %}
        {% set delta = event - midnight %}
        {% if delta.days == 0 %}
        {% elif delta.days == 1 %}
        {% elif delta.days == 2 %}
          Day After Tomorrow
        {% else %}
          In {{ delta.days }} Days
        {% endif %}
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Recycling
        secondary: '{{ states(''sensor.recycling'') }}'
        icon: mdi:recycle-variant
        icon_color: blue
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Garbage
        secondary: '{{ states(''sensor.garbage'') }}'
        icon: mdi:trash-can-outline
        icon_color: green

Remove the unit of measurement lines. These are no longer compatible with non-numeric sensor states.

Thank you! Resolved.