Template Sensor to Subract 2 sensors will not round to 2 Decimal Places

Hi Guys,
Having trouble with a simple template sensor subtraction. My end result ends up at 2.150000000076398 as an example and unable to round down to 2 decimal places.

 platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Todays Export kWh'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.modbus_export_kwh') | float - states('input_number.today_export_consumption') | float | round(2) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        device_class: power

Both Sensor.modbus_export_kwh and input_number.today_export_consumption return a nice 1234.56 format. No matter what I do with the round (2) doesnt seem to change the end result.
Interestingly if I add ( + ) the two variables in the same template then the format result is perfect complete to 2 decimal places. !!! Any ideas appreciated
Thanks Dave


 platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Todays Export kWh'
        value_template: "{{ "%.2f"|format((states('sensor.modbus_export_kwh') | float) - (states('input_number.today_export_consumption') | float))  }}"
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        device_class: power

And to learn why your template will not round, take a look here:

Thanks Francis,
That did the trick nicely. Thank you … Just had to change the fist pair of double quotes to single quotes so it didnt though up any errors.

value_template: “{{ ‘%.2f’ | format ((states(‘sensor.modbus_export_kwh’) | float) - (states(‘input_number.today_export_consumption’) | float)) }}”

This work well.