I’ve been trying to use a template sensor based on two different temperature sensors.
The two sensor display the temperature OK.
The “Active room temperature” state is Unavailable.
I am not a programmer and I think I did not get this right. Also searched the forum but couldn’t find something similar.
time() is not a valid function. And if it was, sensor.living_temperature will just be a string. If you want the value of a sensor, you use states('sensor.my_sensor')
value_template: >-
{% if now().hour >= 23 or now().hour <= 8 $}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Thanks. Tried it and now the state is a string states(‘sensor.bedroom_temperature’)
I miss something here and searching for an example is difficult as everybody seem to use another formatting that works
*replaced the $ with %
Also tried this but the state for entitiy sensor.active_room_temperature is still a string “states(‘sensor.bedroom_temperature’)”:
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