Template sensor with last_change open door

I am using xiaomi open door sensor and it works fine, but i need show then the door was opened last time. So I made template sensor bases on state last_changed

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: “Office door last open”
    value_template: “{{ as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.openclose_11.last_changed) | timestamp_custom(‘%-d %b - %-H:%M:%S’, true) }}”
    icon_template: mdi:garage-open-variant

and it show something like

Office door last open 11 Feb - 10:05:37

but here one problem. It show any statuses changed, but how i can track only last change for
{{ states.binary_sensor.openclose_11.state }} is “on”? because when i reboot HA that sensor show the status “unavailable” and it update the template sensor. I need only state == “on”. How to do it and ignore “off” and “unavailable” states?


I do this for all doors and motion sensors.

I use the variable integration from HACS which is better than looking at last_changed as it preserves the data through a reboot of HA. I have a templates automation that watches all doors being opened and updates the correct variable. Each variable also has attributes that track the last 3 openings.

I could post the code later if interested.

Thanks for answer. I am not really sure how it works for you. Can you please show some code example?

Any help here?

Sorry for jumping into an old thread. I’m trying to overcome the exact same problem as you DukeNuken. I’ve been playing with the sql sensor for the last few hours to try and get around the reboot issue, so far, no luck!

Were you able to find a solution?

Edit: 10mins after posting this I worked it out by using the SQL sensor

    - name: Front Door Last Open
      query: "select last_changed from states where entity_id = 'binary_sensor.lumi_door_front_door' and state = 'on' order by last_changed desc;"
      column: 'last_changed'
      value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(value~'+00:00') | timestamp_local }}" 

@brahmafear I am just looking into the variable integration and would be very interested in your code if you are still here :slight_smile:

Script here:

    alias: "Last Variable Update"
    description: "Update times on last track variables"
        description: "The entity ID to update history"
        example: "binary_sensor.omg_pir_1"
        description: "The string to prefix to the entity_id for variable name"
        example: "last_"
    mode: parallel
      - service: variable.set_variable
          variable: '{{ prefix + history_entity_id.split(".")[1] }}'
          value_template: '{{ as_timestamp(now()) | timestamp_custom("%b %d %-I:%M %p") }}'
          replace_attributes: true
          attributes: >
              "history_1": "{{ states('variable.' + prefix + history_entity_id.split('.')[1]) }}",
              "history_2": "{{ state_attr('variable.' + prefix + history_entity_id.split('.')[1],'history_1') }}",
              "history_3": "{{ state_attr('variable.' + prefix + history_entity_id.split('.')[1],'history_2') }}",
              "history_4": "{{ state_attr('variable.' + prefix + history_entity_id.split('.')[1],'history_3') }}",
              "history_5": "{{ state_attr('variable.' + prefix + history_entity_id.split('.')[1],'history_4') }}"

Variables defined like this:

    value: "Never"
    restore: true
    value: "Never"
    restore: true

Automation setup like this (add more triggers):

  - alias: "Motion Update"
    mode: queued
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.living_room_51_20
        to: "on"
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_52_20
        to: "on"

      - service: script.last_variable_update
          history_entity_id: "{{trigger.entity_id}}"
          prefix: "last_"

The important connection is that the last part of the triggered entity (in my example, “living_room_51_20” and “kitchen_52_20” match up with a defined variable with name - in my example, I use “last_” as the prefix so my variables are named “last_living_room_51_20” and “last_kitchen_52_20”.

I then track the last 5 times the entity switched to on - though you could easily increase to more history just by adding extra lines to the script.

I use a similar script & auto (not listed here) that tracks the date, time, and location of the last 5 entities that reported motion and the last 5 doors there were opened.

Hope this helps. Has worked very well for me.

Thanks for the quick reply & info @brahmafear, much appreciated. I will look into how I can adapt for my motion & contact sensors.