Template Sensor with math and rounding the result


I create a Sensor template so add 2 solar energy values. On in Watt, the other in kW. The calculation ist working fine, but I want to round the result on 2 decimal places without success

      - name: "Summe akt. PV Leistung"
        unique_id: summe_akt_pv_leistung
        unit_of_measurement: "kW"
        icon: mdi:solar-power
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.hm_600_power') | float / 1000 | round(2)) + (states('sensor.senec_webapi_powergenerated_now') | float | round(2)) }}"

I also tried the folling, but in both cases I get 4 decimal places after comma. e.g. 1,2417 kW instead 1,24 kW

state: "{{ ((states('sensor.hm_600_power') | float / 1000 | round(2)) + (states('sensor.senec_webapi_powergenerated_now') | float | round(2)) | float | round (2)) }}"

How can I fix it

Thank you


You are rounding the number 1000. Order of operations. Use some parentheses but not in the places you have them, division is performed before addition.

state: "{{ ( states('sensor.hm_600_power') | float / 1000  + states('sensor.senec_webapi_powergenerated_now') | float ) | round(2) }}"

Perfect, Thank you