Template sensor won't round up

I’m using a template sensor to get my total network down and upload speed as a graph. But it won’t round up to 2 decimals. I’ve added the float(0) because of errors in log, no more error but it still won’t round, please help…

  - sensor: 
      - name: "Network Download"
        unique_id: "fswqyrqbhrqwbhqrwgyDD4"
        unit_of_measurement: "MB/s"
        state: "{{ states('sensor.cisco_epc3925_packets_s_received')|float(0) / 720|round(2) }}"

      - name: "Network Upload"
        unique_id: "fswqyrqbhrqwbhqrwgyDF5"
        unit_of_measurement: "MB/s"
        state: "{{ states('sensor.cisco_epc3925_packets_s_sent')|float(0) / 100|round(2) }}"

try one of the following
state: "{{'%.f' | format(states('sensor.cisco_epc3925_packets_s_sent')|float(0) / 100|round(2)) }}"

state: "{{'{:.1f}'.format((\states('sensor.cisco_epc3925_packets_s_sent')|float(0) / 100|round(2)) }}"

You’re rounding your last number not the whole equation. Wrap the whole equation in parenthesis and then apply the round