Is it possible to use pictures instead of icons for template sensors?
I have a template_sensor
based on a device_tracker
which itself has a picture
defined but when using the template_sensor
in Lovelace it just displays the icon.
- platform: template
friendly_name: Current address
value_template: >
{% set address = state_attr('device_tracker.life360_me', 'address') %}
{% set since_day = as_timestamp(state_attr('device_tracker.life360_me', 'at_loc_since')) | timestamp_custom('%A') %}
{% set since_time = as_timestamp(state_attr('device_tracker.life360_me', 'at_loc_since')) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') %}
{% if state_attr('device_tracker.life360_me', 'address') != None %}
{{ address }}. (Since {{ since_time }} on {{ since_day }})
{% else %}
{{ states('device_tracker.life360_me').title() }}. (Since {{ since_time }} on {{ since_day }})
{% endif %}