Template to calulate a sensor from 1wire entity

Dear folks,
I have a problem with a template. I try to calculate a gas-volume out of an 1wire-counter device.
Template definition

      - name: "Gaszaehler"
        unique_id: "Gaszaehler"
        unit_of_measurement: "m^3"
        state: >
          {% set Gaszaehler = states('sensor.1d_22f20f000000_counter_b') | int%}
          {{ (Gaszaehler * 3600 * 0,01) | round (1, default=0) }}

Error message from HA is - I’m no able to interpret this unfortunately ;-(:
“Invalid config for [template]: invalid template (TemplateSyntaxError: expected token ‘)’, got ‘integer’) for dictionary value @ data[‘sensor’][3][‘state’]. Got “{% set Gaszaehler = states(‘sensor.1d_22f20f000000_counter_b’) | int%} {{ (Gaszaehler * 3600 * 0,01) | round (1, default=0) }}\n”. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 84).”

Can anybody help here?

Thanx in advance.

You need to use “English” decimals in templates:

{{ (Gaszaehler * 3600 * 0.01) | round (1, default=0) }}

thanks - u got it!