Template to check between two dates?

I currently have this Value template to make automation only run between October and March.

{{ now().month >= 10 or now().month <= 3 }}

However, I now realized I need to change this to include October 1 to March 15 instead. How can I do this? :slight_smile:

{% set start = now().replace(day=1, month=10).date() %}
{% set end = now().replace(day=15, month=3).date() %}
{% set low, high = [start, end] | min, [start, end] | max %}
{% set current = low <= now().date() <= high %}
{{ not current if start > end else current }}

This works with any start or end date

{% set t = (now().month, now().day) %}
{{ t >= (10, 1) or t <= (3, 15) }}
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