Template to devide two sensor values

I would like to devide two sensor values to get a percentage:
Devide by a number works:
{{ states("sensor.germany_coronavirus_confirmed") | float / 4 }}

But if I put a sensor value instead of the 4, I get an unknown error…

What sensor are you trying to replace 4 with?
Is the sensor’s state an integer?
Have you tried

{{ (states("sensor.germany_coronavirus_confirmed") | int) / (states("sensor.germany_coronavirus_confirmed") | int) }}

(I replaced float with int as I’d hope you don’t have a 0.7 of a person confirmed :wink:

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{{ 100 * (states("sensor.germany_coronavirus_deaths") | int) / (states("sensor.germany_coronavirus_confirmed") | int) }}

Might you have one more hint, how to round that value to have 3 digits (i.e. 0.233%)

got it:
{{ (100 * (states("sensor.germany_coronavirus_deaths") | int) / (states("sensor.germany_coronavirus_confirmed") | int)) | round(3)}}

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{{ ((100 * states("sensor.germany_coronavirus_deaths")|int) / states("sensor.germany_coronavirus_confirmed")|int) | round(3) }}

should work the same - you don’t need brackets to convert states to int.

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