Template to expand only groups (light groups) from selected areas


I’'m working on a template to return only lights groups added to particular areas, but the list includes only it’s members, what is the best way to return groups only?

{% set lights = ['home_external_ligts_groups', 'tarrace'] | 
                    map('area_entities') | 
                    sum(start=[]) | 
                    select('search', 'light') | 
                    expand | 
                    map(attribute='entity_id') | 
                    list %}

{{ lights}}

It the expand that’s letting you down.

There’s probably a better way… but this should work:

{% set lights = ['home_external_ligts_groups', 'tarrace']
| map('area_entities')
| sum(start=[])
| select('match', 'light.')
| list %}

{{ states.light
| selectattr('attributes.entity_id', 'defined')
| selectattr('entity_id', 'in', lights)
| map(attribute='entity_id')
| list }}

Option 2:

{% set groups = states.light
| selectattr('attributes.entity_id', 'defined')
| map(attribute='entity_id') | list %}

{{ groups | select('in', area_entities('home_external_ligts_groups')) | list 
+ groups | select('in', area_entities('tarrace')) | list }}

Your screenshot indicates that you have adopted the convention of adding “_group” to the names of your light groups. You can use that to extract all light groups by name.

{% set lights = ['home_external_ligts_groups', 'tarrace'] | 
                map('area_entities') | 
                sum(start=[]) | 
                select('search', '^light.*_group$') |
                list %}
{{ lights}}

Thank you so much this works great!