Template to extract API attribute

I have an API sensor as below

 - platform: rest
   name: pervasive_test
     - samples
   resource: https://....
     X-Api-Key: ....
   value_template: "OK"
 - platform: template
       value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.pervasive_test', 'samples')['1'] }}"
       device_class: temperature
       unit_of_measurement: "°C"

Putting this into the templating tool

{{ state_attr('sensor.pervasive_test', 'samples') }}

Results in the following output.
Result type: list

    "0": 0,
    "1": 15.928,
    "2": 0,
    "3": 0,
    "4": 602.7,
    "5": 1,
    "6": 1,
    "7": 1,
    "8": 0,
    "9": 2.9,
    "10": 14,
    "11": 0,
    "12": 82,
    "13": -17,
    "14": 180769,
    "15": 0,
    "16": 0,
    "17": 0,
    "18": 0,
    "19": -124388891,
    "20": 512328398,
    "21": -646.59,
    "22": 0,
    "23": 277.8,
    "24": 3.95312,
    "25": 14.9492,
    "time": "2021-07-01T16:20:00+10:00"

the value after “1” (15.928) is a temperature which i would like as the value in “ambient_temp” sensor but my current template is giving a null response.

The JSON is an array, so it should be:

value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.pervasive_test', 'samples')[0]['1'] }}"

Thanks Chris. works perfectly.

Just on a side note do you know how to change the Rest API sensor update interval.
All I can seem to find says its set at 60s but really only want this sensor to update every 10 min.


scan_interval is a configuration variable usable on any polling sensor, including rest, afaict