Thank you.
Just in case anyone else can benefit, here is a template to list all entities along with some details about each entity for exporting to Excel:
{%- for state in states %}
{{ state.entity_id }},{{ state.domain }},{{ state.object_id }},"{{ }}","{{ area_name(state.entity_id) }}","{{ state_attr(state.entity_id,'icon') }}","{{ state_attr(state.entity_id,'device_class') }}","{{ state_attr(state.entity_id,'unit_of_measurement') }}"
{%- endfor -%}
{# The template (Jinja2) is written so that the output can be cut/paste into Excel > Data Tools > Text To Column > Delimited > Comma > Text Qualifier of Quotation mark. #}
{# Alternatively, it can be saved into a CSV Comma Separated Values file #}
{# The minus sign - after the first curly brace percent sign {% will remove preceding whitespace (in this case, eliminate a blank line between the headers and the data) #}
here is some of the output in table form:
entity_id |
domain |
object_id |
name |
area_name |
icon |
device_class |
unit_of_measurement |
sensor.raspi_host_memory_free |
sensor |
raspi_host_memory_free |
System Monitor Memory free |
None |
mdi:memory |
data_size |
MiB |
sensor.gvh5075_b4f6_estimated_distance |
sensor |
gvh5075_b4f6_estimated_distance |
Basement iBeacon TempHumid Estimated Distance |
Basement |
mdi:signal-distance-variant |
distance |
m |
sensor.iphone_456hjkl_battery |
sensor |
iphone_456hjkl_battery |
iPhone-456hjkl Battery |
Portable |
mdi:battery |
battery |
% |
binary_sensor.backups_stale |
binary_sensor |
backups_stale |
Backups Stale |
None |
None |
problem |
None |
binary_sensor.blink_utility_room_battery |
binary_sensor |
blink_utility_room_battery |
blink Basement Utility Room Battery |
Basement |
mdi:battery-charging-100 |
battery |
None |
camera.blink_my_house |
camera |
blink_my_house |
House |
Driveway |
None |
None |
None |
device_tracker.iphone_456hjkl |
device_tracker |
iphone_456hjkl |
iPhone-456hjkl |
Portable |
mdi:cellphone |
None |
None |
person.brad |
person |
brad |
Brad |
None |
None |
None |
None |
select.kitchen_kpl_a_dome_light_ramp_rate |
select |
kitchen_kpl_a_dome_light_ramp_rate |
Kitchen KPL.A Dome Light Ramp Rate |
Kitchen |
None |
None |
None |
switch.laundryrm_motion_switch |
switch |
laundryrm_motion_switch |
Laundry Room Motion Switch |
Laundry |
None |
None |
None |
switch.office_notify_driveway_10 |
switch |
office_notify_driveway_10 |
Office Notify Driveway |
Office |
mdi:flash-alert |
None |
None |
input_boolean.smart_heater_state |
input_boolean |
smart_heater_state |
Govee Smart Heater State |
None |
{% if is_state(‘input_boolean.smart_heater_state’, ‘on’) %} mdi:radiator {% else %} mdi:radiator-off {% endif %} |
None |
None |
Here is the raw output from the Developer Tools > Templates > Results
sensor.raspi_host_memory_free,sensor,raspi_host_memory_free,"System Monitor Memory free","None","mdi:memory","data_size","MiB"
sensor.gvh5075_b4f6_estimated_distance,sensor,gvh5075_b4f6_estimated_distance,"Basement iBeacon TempHumid Estimated Distance","Basement","mdi:signal-distance-variant","distance","m"
sensor.iphone_456hjkl_battery,sensor,iphone_456hjkl_battery,"iPhone-456hjkl Battery","Portable","mdi:battery","battery","%"
binary_sensor.backups_stale,binary_sensor,backups_stale,"Backups Stale","None","None","problem","None"
binary_sensor.blink_utility_room_battery,binary_sensor,blink_utility_room_battery,"blink Basement Utility Room Battery","Basement","mdi:battery-charging-100","battery","None"
select.kitchen_kpl_a_dome_light_ramp_rate,select,kitchen_kpl_a_dome_light_ramp_rate,"Kitchen KPL.A Dome Light Ramp Rate","Kitchen","None","None","None"
switch.laundryrm_motion_switch,switch,laundryrm_motion_switch,"Laundry Room Motion Switch","Laundry","None","None","None"
switch.office_notify_driveway_10,switch,office_notify_driveway_10,"Office Notify Driveway","Office","mdi:flash-alert","None","None"
input_boolean.smart_heater_state,input_boolean,smart_heater_state,"Govee Smart Heater State","None","{% if is_state('input_boolean.smart_heater_state', 'on') %} mdi:radiator {% else %} mdi:radiator-off {% endif %}","None","None"