Template to return true or false for when entity geater than 1

I am trying to create a template to return true when value of the entity mentioned below is greater than 1 … is the syntax correct because when trying this in Developer Tools > Template I am getting “Result type: string”

if states('sensor.energy_meter_mains_power') | float > 1

Example for use in a Template Binary Sensor:

{{ states('sensor.energy_meter_mains_power') | float(0) > 1 }}

That is not required or valid.

What happens if the test is not true?

You have no else case. This will produce errors.

Also what is this supposed to be?

{ ‘test’ }

As written it is invalid. Posting incomplete examples is a sure fire way to confuse people asking for help.

And, it is still not required. Taras’ solution is the way.

Also your example does not return true / false. Which was the original request. Yours returns ‘{test}’ or an error.

Pointing out that your example is not the solution is very much on topic.

this worked perfectly … thanks!

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