I get frequent “Template variable warning” from my smartwb implementation and I’m not able to find the problem. In fact, all values are correct in HA and the implementation is working.
Query the smart wallbox with “getParameters” in a browser looks like that:
In raw format: {"type":"parameters","list":[{"vehicleState":2,"evseState":false,"maxCurrent":16,"actualCurrent":6,"actualPower":0,"duration":4519000,"alwaysActive":false,"lastActionUser":"GUI","lastActionUID":"GUI","energy":5.83,"mileage":34.3,"meterReading":11.66,"currentP1":0,"currentP2":0,"currentP3":0,"useMeter":true}]}
Thx @koying!
I assumed something like this… I’m not yet familiar with the templates as you might have noticed.
Can you give me a hint how I could get rid of the fault message? How or what do I have to change that the JSON string from above gets parsed correctly?
I already tried to remove smartwb from value_json.smartwb, but then the implementation stops to work.