I’m trying to wrap my head around the syntax and formatting of intent scripts when it comes to dialogflow fulfillment. I’ve got a couple working properly, parsing variable values and returning them to the speaker. However, the toggleClimate
function at the bottom always fails.
Here’s what I get from the dev-info console. (It leads me to suspect I’m somehow creating an array of length 1 with my data_template
Error executing service <ServiceCall climate.turn_off (c:7244079fb8b84505acb360efdda5c0af): entity_id=['climate.living_room']>
The first two intents succeed. Calling the third intent always returns the default error response, and I get this in the dialog flow console log:
"id": "ca5866c7-278c-4f2c-8d63-ecfa37143a5a",
"timestamp": "2018-09-05T04:48:46.344Z",
"lang": "en",
"result": {
"source": "agent",
"resolvedQuery": "turn off the air in the living room",
"action": "toggleClimate",
"actionIncomplete": false,
"parameters": {
"room": "Living Room",
"OnOff": "off"
"contexts": [],
"metadata": {
"isFallbackIntent": "false",
"webhookResponseTime": 10001,
"intentName": "toggleClimate",
"intentId": "2f298b1b-74a6-48b5-9083-694576411b25",
"webhookUsed": "true",
"webhookForSlotFillingUsed": "false",
"endConversation": true
"fulfillment": {
"speech": "I tried, but I failed you.",
"messages": [
"type": 0,
"speech": "I tried, but I failed you."
"score": 1
"status": {
"code": 206,
"errorType": "partial_content",
"errorDetails": "Webhook call failed. Error: Request timeout."
"sessionId": "be81b3db-9248-4af9-5ec2-d4c3a01e9cf4"
Here’s the contents of intent_script.yaml
text: >
{%- if room == "Master Bedroom" -%}
It's currently {{ states("sensor.bedroom_temperature") }} degrees in the bedroom.
{%- elif room == "Living Room" -%}
It's currently {{ states("sensor.message_board_temp") }} degrees in the living room.
{%- else -%}
I didn't catch the name of the room.
{%- endif -%}
text: >
{%- if room == "Master Bedroom" -%}
The AC is {{ states("climate.bedroom") }}, and the thermostat is set to {{ states.climate.bedroom.attributes.temperature }}.
{%- elif room == "Living Room" -%}
The AC is {{ states("climate.living_room") }}, and the thermostat is set to {{ states.climate.living_room.attributes.temperature }}.
{%- else -%}
I didn't catch the name of the room. The AC in the bedroom is set to {{ states("climate.bedroom") }}, and the living room is set to {{ states("climate.living_room") }}.
{%- endif -%}
text: Turning the AC {{ OnOff }} in the {{ room }}
- service_template: >
{%- if OnOff == "on" -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
entity_id: >
{%- if room == "Master Bedroom" -%}
{%- elif room == "Living Room" -%}
{%- endif -%}
What have I got wrong?