Templates & float Accuracy

Can someone explain this to me pls?

Why is this the case in Developer Tools / Template and does it actually do this when the templates are in Automations etc.?

{{ 0.10 - 0.01 }} in Developer Tools the answer evaluated is 0.09000000000000001 and NOT 0.09

These give the same answer which I tried in case it had something to do with strings.
{{ 0.10 | float - 0.01 | float }}
{{ float(0.10) - float(0.01) }}

Your question comes up every now and then and the answer is that it’s due to Machine Epsilon.

Thanks for the reply.

Interesting and also concerning that a computing environment can’t do simple mental maths or maths a cheap calculator can do.

Is there any way around this to ensure you get the “expected” result ?

Calculators have the same issue, they just show less significant figures. Anything that stores uses a memory location to represent a value will have this issue.

Yes, round the value. Or format it.