Templates in command line sensor + Octopus Energy API

Your assumption is correct. I was on a meetup in the summer where Paulus was a guest speaker and he confirmed at the moment Home Assistant only allows real time data and there is no feature to backdate readings yet.

Thanks for the info. I will continue to use the great solution @oneofthemany has created and wait for the capability to get better.

Thanks oneofthemany this has all been really useful and I have finally found time to start setting up my config.

I have one small issue/question.

I donā€™t seem to be able to get 48 readings for electricity until two days later. Can you think of a reason for this? Iā€™m suspecting it must be some quirk it the data collection for my meter because this:


returns this (the date/time now is 2021-11-14T09:00:00


But this:


returns this:


So apparently there is no reading for that last half an hour (unless I wait another 24 hours).

Thanks for any insightā€¦

And as an aside, I am far from an expert when it comes to date time formats and as you omitted them Iā€™m probably wrong but I just thought Iā€™d check; shouldnā€™t the datetimes have a ā€˜Zā€™ at the end to cater for BST? (i.e. 2021-11-14T09:00:00Z) - itā€™s six months until I can check for myself!!

yes it will take 48hrs to pull the data from the API and then you should be OK - you have to be patient :slight_smile:

Ahā€¦ ok. Thanks.

But doesnā€™t that then mean the data is for the day before yesterday?
In which case shouldnā€™t the rest sensors be - timedelta(days = 2)


it has to take 48 readings which can take in excess of 24hrs

sorry for the confusion


How are you getting from this stage of having a well formed API call with some results, to graphs? If I curl the URL my code generates at the command line I can see results. The same URL in my restul sensor implementation I get a key definiton error because results does not exist.

read from here in this post:

ah ok - well that is what I have been using but without getting any results returned. Having read about the potential 24+ hour delay in posts above I waited for a week but the gas or electricity sensor still werenā€™t returning any data.

I copied the resulting API URL from the code from this post and curlā€™d it (with appropriate auth) to get no results returned. If I changed the date range to the day before I get results so the command and URL in itself are correct, just the date range isnā€™t. Am I doing something stupid?

Most likely you have the MPAN and Meter serial numbers wrongā€¦ That was a mistake I made for a while.
Check out the Octopus developer portal to confirm you are using the right ones:

Also there are a couple of examples you can use there to test you are seeing correct data (without the date parameters used by these templates)

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Yeah this is totally possible!

@velkrosmaak : could you push some output data based on your config if the above didnā€™t solve your issue and we can see about getting you sorted if youā€™re still struggling to get results

Thanks @oneofthemany for the solution.

Is there also a 24/48hr delay in selecting Consumed Energy (kWh) on the Energy Dashboard? Iā€™m not seeing any options.
I had to do a tweak to my yaml this morning (API to Base64) and now are seeing data for all the entities created apart from Electricity Cost, Gas Cost and Go Current Rate. Iā€™d have thought once data is pulled through on all the consumption entities though theyā€™d be ready to choose from?

yeah the Base 64 seems to be missed by quite a few people :slight_smile:

the costs only show up once you have enough data - this can take up to 2 days (highly dependent on the time you initiated your first API call

I was hopeful this was the case, but alas I annoyingly did have them the right way around.

@oneofthemany this was just the script copied from your post unedited apart from my account details and API key. The sensors for electricity/gas readings donā€™t actually appear in HASS either.

I modified both scripts like this, as I was getting results when curling yesterdayā€™s dates via the API.

- platform: rest
  name: Gas consumption
  resource_template: >-
    {% set mpan = '00000' %}
    {% set serial = 'E00000' %}
    {% set date = as_timestamp(now() - timedelta(days = 1))|timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d') + 'T00:00:00' %}
    {% set datefrom = as_timestamp(now() - timedelta(days = 3))|timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d')  + 'T00:00:00' %}
    https://api.octopus.energy/v1/gas-meter-points/{{ mpan }}/meters/{{ serial }}/consumption/?period_from={{ datefrom }}&period_to={{ date }}
    Authorization: Basic <base 64 encoded api key>
    - "results"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.results|sum(attribute='consumption')|round(3) }}"
  unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
  device_class: energy

If I use the curl example on the Octopus API page right now (0100 on 18/12/2012) I get results up until 2021-12-17T00:00:00Z. I donā€™t get that in HASS though so that I can graph yesterdays readings.

Yeah costs are still not in there yet, but strangely the off peak cost is? Iā€™m more interested in consumption though so that is no big deal.

Iā€™m seeing a lot of log errors relating to REST sensors in the logs, however the kWh is pulling through correctly to the entities. I just canā€™t select any of the consumption entities when setting up the energy dashboard so something is not quite right. Iā€™ve created my own graphs using the data for now, just canā€™t understand why the Energy section canā€™t see them?

For now too I followed a link to convert REST to a template sensor from when REST wasnā€™t supported, so i have an entity called ā€œElectricity Consumption NEWā€ which can be picked up by the energy dashboard. Iā€™ve only done this for the main Elec and Gas andā€¦i could do it for all of the different consumptionsā€¦however iā€™d like to clear the errors in the log but iā€™m not technical enough to know what they mean.

@screzwell have you added them to the customize.yaml as per here?:

Yes Iā€™ve followed it to the tee, apart from the secrets base64 which I edited later.
All sensors from the customise.yaml are showing in Dev Tools with a value next to them, theyā€™re just not there in the Energy Dashboard consumption dropdown for selection. As soon as I make a template sensor from them that is selectable. Iā€™ve made a card for all the ones created and apart from the two costs as mentioned earlier all others are populated.
Iā€™m on 2021.12.1

customise or customize?

customize.yaml. Was typing on mobile and auto corrected.

without seeing your config i cant offer any further comments

please drop what you have done in the chat and perhaps we can identify the issues you seem to be having