is default(0) a supported function? I can’t find any documentation on it.
what will states('sensor.vehicle_odo') return, if this sensor is not available? (After restarting HA, Lovelace shows “entity not available” until the car sends new values to HA)
will default(1) work atall? I suspect it, as I have the division by zero in the logs.
I tested there. (states('sensor.vehicle_odo') gives unknown and default(1) does not change the value.
The cast to | float changes the value to 0.0 et voila - division by zero.
default(0), still no information on this. Developer Tools > Templates renders 123 for {{ null | default(123) }} so it is a supported filter, but rather useless for my case, as it will not work on unknown which is returned by states() if an entity is not available.
Developer Tools → Templates is good for any questions on return values of expressions
use cast to float or int, to get a default value on bogus states:
it’s jinja, it’s covered in the jinja documentation. This language is just used by HA, look there for methods & filters that HA doesn’t cover in the docs.
I guess this is the explanation for the expected behavior:
While the float and int filters do allow a default fallback value if the conversion is unsuccessful, they do not provide the ability to catch undefined variables.
So, as soon as the the variable is undefined you will get a division by zero.