I created a template sensor for the temperature of my bathroom climate component. Unfortunately it shows as states instead of a line graph. What am I doing wrong? The attribute current_temperature of the climate component shows correctly as a graph.
there’s another detail though. I have 12 motion sensors reading the light, so to save on card space, only want the state (lx level) to be displayed, and dont need the UoM on all sensors to show Lx.
If I add the unit_of_measurement on these sensors, if automatically adds the unit on the card… would really love a way to not display that while having the recorder/history still show the values and not the discrete numbers as above… (of course this is for legacy HA not Lovelace)
adding a device_class only makes it change the icon, and not the display in more-info, as I already tried using eg device_class: illuminance
checking the source code for the min-max sensor, made me check the individual sensors, because they are checked for mutual consistency. I have not set the Uom on these sensors, and the min-max sensor doesnt error out in any way.
Setting the individual sensors to be unit_of_measurement: lx makes the min-max sensor display correctly in the more-info card.
still, would be nice to be able to set the uom on the min-max sensor, and be away with it.
as far as I’ve been able to test, it checks the individual entities to be of the same unit_of_measurement, and, if indeed set on the individual entities, inherits that uom.
if not set, it doesn’t error out, but it also doesnt inherit, and the min-max sensor is displayed with discrete values.