Terminal & SSH Display Is Upside Down


I’m new to Home Assistant and just getting set up and am trying to get the Terminal & SSH add-on to work. When I go to the terminal mode, the display is upside-down, making it very difficult to use. Here is a screen shot:

I’ve tried restarting the add-on and restarting the HA server with no luck. I am able to get it to display correctly after rebooting my Raspberry Pi, but when I try pasting code into the terminal, it goes upside down. I have to manually enter code, which is fine for short lines, but pretty useless if I need to copy and paste large blocks. Also, restarting the add-on after it appears right-side-up causes it to go upside-down again.

I am running HA on a Raspberry Pi with the boot pointing to a SSD (not using an SD card). The primary display is a SunFounder 10" touch screen operating in a Kiosk mode. I’m running the HA supervisor version on top of a Raspbian OS.

Any advice would be appreciated!

That’s odd.
I would try the SSH & Web Terminal community addon for testing and file an issue at the official addon repository.

Thanks, VD. I tried the community add-on and I got a 502 error, so I went ahead and put in a ticket. Wondering if it could be related to the fact that I’m using a Raspbian OS, which is, technically, unsupported although the underlying Debian (Bullseye) OS is supported and I have no other problems.

Try installing Debian 11 on the PI and be supported?
