Termostath Esphome - Home Assistant Nextion Touch

First version of the Touch Nextion ESPHOME HOME ASSISTANT thermostat!


I don’t see any fusing or thermal protection on your power supply, which would be dangerous.

Explain yourself better. You mean fuse and or protection diode?

Very nice work, this demostrate the power of ESPhome and it’s integration with HA.

I mean both.

UPDATE: Please read this thread, it is long (but in fact the first post is updated to show the correct way to do this)


I know very well what you mean … And I know very well that I have to add protection. Currently the card is working with 5v directed by a protected transformer. At least at the moment focus on the project as an end in itself, the electric part who ventures into these projects must know it and must be careful alone of what they do.

very sorry, but your code does not compile. ESPHOME shows a lot of errors, it is difficult to trace and fix the whole code, or maybe there is only some small thing.

The code is 3 years old. Esphome has changed.

But you have posted no logs, so I doubt anyone can help.

I understand that the code is 3 years old and Esphome has changed.

Compilation gives the following message:

Failed config

binary_sensor.nextion: [source /config/esphome/sauna.yaml:185]
   Too many candidates found for 'nextion_id' type 'nextion::Nextion' Some are 'clima_nextion', 'nextion_stamp_ora', 'nextion_page'.
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/sauna.yaml...
INFO Detected timezone 'Europe'
Failed config

binary_sensor.nextion: [source /config/esphome/sauna.yaml:185]
  Too many candidates found for 'nextion_id' type 'nextion::Nextion' Some are 'clima_nextion', 'nextion_stamp_ora', 'nextion_page'.
  platform: nextion
  page_id: 0
  component_id: 6
  id: set_up
  name: set up
    - then: 
        - lambda: !lambda |-
            id(set_temp) = id(set_temp) + 0.5;
            if (id(set_temp) == 31){
             id(set_temp) = 30.0;
  disabled_by_default: False
  visible: True
  update_interval: 4294967295
binary_sensor.nextion: [source /config/esphome/sauna.yaml:197]
  Too many candidates found for 'nextion_id' type 'nextion::Nextion' Some are 'clima_nextion', 'nextion_stamp_ora', 'nextion_page'.
  platform: nextion
  page_id: 0
  component_id: 7
  id: set_down
  name: set down
    - then: 
        - lambda: !lambda |-
            id(set_temp) = id(set_temp) - 0.5; 
             if (id(set_temp) == 14) {
              id(set_temp) = 15.0;
  disabled_by_default: False
  visible: True
  update_interval: 4294967295
binary_sensor.nextion: [source /config/esphome/sauna.yaml:209]
  Too many candidates found for 'nextion_id' type 'nextion::Nextion' Some are 'clima_nextion', 'nextion_stamp_ora', 'nextion_page'.
  platform: nextion
  page_id: 0
  component_id: 4
  id: heater_off
  name: Turn Heater Off
  disabled_by_default: False
  visible: True
  update_interval: 4294967295
binary_sensor.nextion: [source /config/esphome/sauna.yaml:215]
  Too many candidates found for 'nextion_id' type 'nextion::Nextion' Some are 'clima_nextion', 'nextion_stamp_ora', 'nextion_page'.
  platform: nextion
  page_id: 0
  component_id: 5
  id: heater_on
  name: Turn Heater On
  disabled_by_default: False
  visible: True
  update_interval: 4294967295
binary_sensor.nextion: [source /config/esphome/sauna.yaml:221]
  Too many candidates found for 'nextion_id' type 'nextion::Nextion' Some are 'clima_nextion', 'nextion_stamp_ora', 'nextion_page'.
  platform: nextion
  page_id: 1
  component_id: 2
  id: heater_off_local
  name: Turn Heater Off
    - then: 
        - switch.turn_off: 
            id: Heating_D3
    - then: 
        - lambda: !lambda |-
            id(on_off_manual) = 0;
  disabled_by_default: False
  visible: True
  update_interval: 4294967295
binary_sensor.nextion: [source /config/esphome/sauna.yaml:233]
  Too many candidates found for 'nextion_id' type 'nextion::Nextion' Some are 'clima_nextion', 'nextion_stamp_ora', 'nextion_page'.
  platform: nextion
  page_id: 1
  component_id: 3
  id: heater_on_local
  name: Turn Heater On
    - then: 
        - switch.turn_on: 
            id: Heating_D3
    - then: 
        - lambda: !lambda |-
            id(on_off_manual) = 1;
  disabled_by_default: False
  visible: True
  update_interval: 4294967295