There appears to be a bunch of conflicting information that may be dated when you search for this, so I’d like to get the current thinking on this.
What is the best HA add-in to control a Tesla car currently?
Last night I got “Tesla Custom Integration” installed from HACS, but it seems to be lacking two things: 1) the ability to control the charge amps going into the Tesla
2) the ablity to control the frequency of the car polling
Is that possible with that integration? or should I look to any others? (some mention TeslaMate? and then there’s apparently an “official” Tesla integration?)
I have been trying to install the Tesla_custom integration but never had any success. I can install in HACS and then install the integration from the Settings/Integration page in the OS. I then enter my Tesla account e-mail and the SS Token from the Token app. This returns a “Success” message but then the Integration always has “Failed to set up”. See below.
Full Logs:
2022-09-29 15:45:12.394 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration tesla_custom which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2022-09-29 15:45:59.860 DEBUG (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.core] Processing task: EventTask(event=<Event service_registered[L]: domain=tesla_custom, service=api>)
2022-09-29 15:45:59.863 DEBUG (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.core] Processing task: EventTask(event=<Event service_registered[L]: domain=tesla_custom, service=polling_interval>)
2022-09-29 15:46:00.849 DEBUG (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.core] Processing task: EventTask(event=<Event component_loaded[L]: component=tesla_custom>)
Sorry i’ve only just seen this. I’m not sure I can help too much becuse i’ve checked and I have no customisations to the default installation and it just worked for me. I would suggest uninstalling everything you can and starting from scratch.
So you didn’t need to run the python script to create the .Json file then? I have tried a few times to uninstall and restart HA then reinstalled the integration but it fails to start.
It’s honestly been a few months. Can you remind me of the name and location of the json file and I’ll have a look if I have one and will provide syntax if necessary.
Using the Hacs Tesla integration, its been working fine until my auth code expired.
I’ve generated a new auth code with the app but confused to where it needs to be entered.
Within hacs it says custom integration this requires a refresh token to be generated, and within the setting>device & service the Tesla app panel I can see all my entities from the previous authentication but don’t see an option to put in a new token.
If someone could explain where to add the token would be appreciated.
I did yes, I ended up removing it from the integration by clicking on the 3 dots and hitting delete, then added it back in by clicking the + integrations and searching for tesla, it then asked me for the key.
Not sure if there was an easier way but worked for me.
I just tried to install Tesla custon integration via HACS. As soon as I click “add integration” and then click “open link”, I get the below error and it doesn’t install.
I’m on HA version 2022.12.1
Any ideas on what could be going wrong?
This integration does not support configuration via the UI. If you followed this link from the Home Assistant website, make sure you run the latest version of Home Assistant.