I’ve the Tesla custom integration installed in HA and most of it seems to be working fine. I can control the car, lock/unblock the car from HA for example. Next what i’m trying to do is detect if the Tesla is set into the D(rive) mode because then I want to open the garage door from HA. The problem is that the event from the Tesla is not send to HA for some reason. I don’t have a glue what is going on. Why is this not working? Have I done something wrong in the integration? I guess not because I can control the Tesla from HA. Any suggestions on how to debug and/or solve this challenge?
What do you mean? Check if the problem is listed on Github? Or are you suggesting to also log an issue on Github?
I’ve checked the current list and there is no similar issue as the problem i described above!
It’s a custom integration, HACS, so logging an issue should be at the Github source.
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