Tesla Integration not Working since 1/30/21

@one1tick I am actually combining the Tesla integration with Home Assistant to start the charging of the Tesla when I have solar energy available (through a set of automations). If I got it right Teslamate only pulls data from Tesla but doesn’t control anything, is that correct?

@Chacsam I guess so but I am not sure as I am managing the charging of my TM3 (from my PV pannels and the grid) through the integration of my wall charger (easee charger). In fact I stop/charge the charge and select the charging power HA with the easee charger integration.

I did have an issue signing into a new install of TeslaMate, used the Tesla Tokens app to get tokens though and it worked with those!

I’m having the same issue and I’m not keen to use a custom solution, as those eventually break and I can never remember what I did.

So I will wait until there is a fix. Hopefully it’s soon. Would like to see a switch towards using a token

Also have invalid authentication, no MFA though so pretty weird login works fine on the site.

I’m also seeing the same auth error after i upgrade HA 2021.8.6

Same here. Tesla integration continued to work on my second HA with 21.8.6, but got “Invalid Athorization” after re-installation. Loginis definitely correct as confirmed by the Tesla Android app.

Presuming no fix for this yet? :cry: :sob:

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In the next post this problem is solved with custom component and hacs:

Only need follow this steps:

  1. Use HACS after adding this https://github.com/alandtse/tesla as a custom repository.
  2. Restart Home Assistant.
  3. In the HA UI go to “Configuration” → “Integrations” click “+” and search for “Tesla Custom Integration”.

@Lisarde That worked Thank you.

This works, thank you!

I have the same issue. Tried with 2021.8.5 .6 .7 and .8. Same result.
Username and password working with mytesla and tesla iPhone app. No MFA activated.


Any solution to this issue?

Same Problem here, any updates planned for the integration?

Any updates?

for everyone posting, please read the thread. It has the current status, which isn’t changing anytime soon.


Now that I’ve got the custom integration working, I’ve noticed the overheat protection works for only the first 12 hours the vehicle is parked. There’s some debate about whether it’s always been this way, or if it’s a recent development. In any case, I’ve started a new thread rather than adding more here. Please check it out if you park more than 12 hours at a time and let me know how you’re handling it:

Like I wrote above, I started a new topic to avoid getting off the rails here. I waited 2 weeks for a reply before advertising the thread here in an effort to gin up some discussion.

The Tesla integration is being removed from HomeAssistant core due to the issues referenced above. Everyone should move to the custom integration as soon as possible.