Tesla integration - Requires Tesla Proxy and Client ID - Developer Account

I got an authentication error on the Tesla integration and HA mentioned that I need to reconfigure the Tesla configuration. When I go through the steps and read about the issue it seems that Tesla has change the API interface. Owner API is not possible anymore and you need to use a Fleet API (if I understood correctly) and a proxy (GitHub - llamafilm/tesla-http-proxy-addon: Tesla HTTP Proxy Add-on for Home Assistant).

For the proxy I need a Client ID. To be able to get a Client ID I need to register a developer account at Tesla, for this I need a TAX number, and maybe more. I don’t have this. Is this the end of the free Tesla API usage and the HA Tesla integration?

I have the same problem. Have you reached a solution?

I simply, after a couple of weeks, generated a new API session key (not sure if this is the correct naming) but suddenly it started to work again. So all working fine now. Nothing has changed with regards to authentication etc.