Tesla Powerwall use cases and automation sharing

Tesla removed those two settings from the local gateway API which is how the native Home Assistant integration functions. Those settings are now available only in the Tesla cloud API which is not supported by the native HA integration.

If you supplementally install the 3rd party integration manually or via HACS, you’ll get those settings as well. It’s no problem running both integrations alongside one another, they won’t conflict.

The Teslemetry integration has been designed from the ground up to provide full access to the official Tesla FleetAPI, including a fully supported core Home Assistant integration, which I am using for Powerwall controls.

It is a subscription service.

I’m not sure how Teslemetry could assist in this situation, but as a general suggestion I’m glad to know it exists.

Generally I prefer to keep as much local as possible and try to avoid any cloud APIs unless there’s no other choice, so I think it’s unlikely I’d move to it.

I agree with the preference towards localAPI, but Tesla doesn’t allow local control.

Using the localAPI, the only command available is switching off-grid mode.

To change backup reserve and operating mode (backup, autonomous and self-powered) I have only found cloud API commands available.

Another way to say this is that all of the Tesla data is available locally and only two commands require the cloud which is available from Tesla for free.

Why would I pay 25/year just to access those two commands when I can get them for free? The teslemetry product doesn’t provide any benefit that I can see over the native Tesla api.

Perhaps it makes more sense for people who own one of the cars.

Am I right in assuming that the second setting is actually the “Operational Mode” in the app, so between “Self Powered” and “Time Based Control”. The reason I ask is that I always use the “Time based control” anyway. So I assume that if I then set my battery backup reserve then the battery should charge if my condition has been met in the automation. Or am I wrong?

I just had my Tesla solar and 4x Powerwall system installed a few weeks ago. Until PTO, I am running in self-consumption mode without exports to the grid. Though my system is 23.49kW PV DC and 20.9kW AC, after solar generation reaches > 18kw, the system will begin dumping all excess not used by the house to the grid. I’m told by Tesla this will resolve once I have PTO. To prevent this, I have been switching the system to Off-Grid Mode a bit before peak production each day if its sunny and getting up there. I decided to try to automate this and I think I got it! As of now, here is the automation:

Another simple automation turns it off at 2pm when I’m well past the point of peak generation and certainly below 18kW generation. Just set this up this morning. Excited to see how it works.

Note: As I wrote this I realized I probably could just tell it to turn off the grid once production got to around 17kW and then enable the grid once production was below 15kW for over 30 minutes or something like that. I’ll try it this way first.

Created another automation to stop pulling from the grid by setting off-grid to on if the battery is at least 30% charged and home is not pulling more than 16kW.