Tesla Solar (without Powerwall) supported?

Background: my parents (living 6000 miles away in California) got Tesla Solar installed, but without a Powerwall. I remotely administer a Home Assistant integration at their site, and would like to integrate the Tesla solar information into Home Assistant.


  • Tesla integration (which seems to use Tesla’s cloud API) seems to support a car only. I set it up successfully, but since there’s no Tesla car on the account, I didn’t notice any new entities.
  • Tesla Powerwall integration (which seems to use a local API on the Tesla gateway) doesn’t seem to apply to my parents’ installation.

Keep in mind that I’ve never seen it with my own two eyes, but the installer gave my dad what sounds like a small gateway device to plug into his local network. This seems quite different from the gateway described in the Powerwall component. I did, by process of elimination, identify a likely device on the network corresponding to this gateway, but again, it doesn’t seem like a standard Powerwall gateway (port 80 not open, etc etc.).

My Dad can view semi-realtime and historical solar output in the Tesla app – obviously not the rest of the data from a full-fledged Powerwall install like household consumption, battery in/outflow, etc. – but is there really no way to integrate this flavor of Tesla solar?

If it’s just a matter of nobody having done it, I’m happy to look into the APIs myself… but it seems almost impossible that I’m the first person to come across this system configuration!

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Hey Chris, I’m in the exact same spot - did you end up solving this?

I’m potentially interested in adding support for this given the new support for energy systems in Energy Management in Home Assistant - Home Assistant.

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I am also interested in this. I have the slim black gateway, anyone manage to get that on HA?

I, too, am interested in this.

Sadly not. I finally made it over to see the system in person. Not sure how common this is, but my parents received the Delta M8-TL-US inverter (see photos below).

It’s frustrating because the data is definitely available on a private API to the Tesla app. I’m surprised the standard Tesla component doesn’t support the endpoint for this, but simply don’t have the bandwidth to take this on by myself.

Yeah, I’m in the same boat: have Tesla solar but no Powerwall. Want to get the data that is sent to Tesla to be also shared with HomeAssistant.

Anyone get this working with the Tesla Inverter (not a third party inverter)?

This can, kind of, be done leveraging the Tesla HACS integration:

I’ve been using it to monitor my Tesla car, but recently noticed that it was also pulling my Solar information:

The bad news is that there is only one entity created, which is the current production. The good news is that the values seem to match my Tesla app.

If you convert the current reading to power (W) by multiplying by 110V and then energy (kWh) using a Riemann Sum helper does it have the right attributes to be recognized by the Energy Dashboard?

Figured I’d type up how I got it working using the Tesla Custom Integration, here’s a step-by-step:

Ah, so it is a power sensor. I took “current production” to mean amperage in your previous post. :wink:

It looks pretty straightforward and great to know. Thanks for the post.

I saw you’re considering a whole home solution. I’ve been researching this recently and think I’m going to get an Emporia Gen 2 Vue.

I only wish my electrical panel was roomy enough to allow for that, alas it’s barely able to close the bus bar panel. Since the whole panel is full, I’m debating on just biting the bullet and having the main panel replaced and so am looking at the Span.io Panel or the Leviton Smart Load Center. I’m leaning towards the Leviton, because I’m worried Span.IO won’t make it and then I’d have a main panel without any support (or potential ability to find breakers).

Oooh, that Leviton one looks nice! Got any incentives in your area or would you be all out of pocket?

Pretty sure I’d be all out-of-pocket. PG&E has incentives for things that will save power and/or that you’re willing to give them control over so they can cut/reduce your power remotely. This doesn’t do the former, and I’m not interested in the latter.

I have a Tesla solar system with a Tesla inverter and no powerwalls. I do have the Neurio energy monitoring device installed which provides grid import/export and home consumption. Looking at some of the Tesla API endpoints, it looks like all of this data is there so I made some changes to the teslajsonpy library that the Tesla custom integration uses and was able to pull in grid and home usage. There’s some stuff I need to clean up with the code and I’m sure there’s probably a better/cleaner way to do it, so I’ll probably submit a PR and see if I can get some folks to review.


that’s awesome the full data points are exposed. Does it update in real-time? Happy to test when you get to that point. thanks for investigating!

I’m not sure how fast Tesla actually updates their servers but this integration polls the endpoints every 10 seconds which seems to be what the Tesla app does. I wouldn’t expect updates faster then that though since polling their server too fast will cause them to block you.

I just made a pull request but you can feel free to test by downloading it from my forked repo.

Edit: Forgot to mention this is really only for testing in a development environment as it updates to the teslajsonpy library that the Tesla Custom Integration uses.

@michaelHA Grid and load (home) power sensors have been added to the Tesla Custom Integration version 2.4.0.

I’m also trying to help with the rewrite of both the integration and teslajsonpy library it uses. If you have a Tesla solar setup, I could use help collecting JSON responses from different setup types. I’ve opened an issue here with instructions on how you can help.

After a recent update, the integration isn’t pulling data in any longer - just get 0 load and grid. I have a no separate gateway. Although I’d jump on the chance to provide input per shred’s instructions, i’m too novice to understand how to pull all that data into a json.

I think your issue was related to this which was hopefully fixed with version 2.4.2. Let me know if it wasn’t. The easiest way would be to open an issue on that Github repo.