Tesla time to arrival

Hi there, I’m trying to add an ETA for my tesla arrival time to its destination. My current code seems to be hardcoding the “minutes” to 1, i believe it is because i put (1) in the float #. Any idea how I can change this to give an accurate ETA?


{{ states ('sensor.moose_distance_to_arrival') | float(0) | round(1) }} miles to {{ states ('device_tracker.moose_route') }}
{{ states ('sensor.moose_time_to_arrival') | float(1) | round()  }} minutes away, will arrive at {% set tesla_arrival_time_utc = states('sensor.moose_time_to_arrival') | as_datetime %}{{ tesla_arrival_time_utc | as_local | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }} 

Bump. SOS! :slightly_smiling_face: