Tesla Wall Connector Gen 3 RESTful

I was just looking at the json from the vitals API and see a session energy value. It seems totally off from what I would expect to see (energy delivered between contactor_closed==true to contactor_closed==false) which likely means I don’t understand what a session is in the context. My wild guess now is that is from connecting the charge cable to the port of the car (vehicle connected == true) to removing from the car (vehicle connected == false). I think this would be a helpful value to expose in the integration. Are there any plans for this? Can I help with that?

Has anyone figured out the “State” values and what exactly they mean? ie 1,4,8,9,11?

I have seen a few where it is plugged in, but not charging and sitting in various states for example.


I do not have full decoding, but here are some states.

These are trivial:

1: Idle, not connected
11: Charging
7: Fault, recovery via unplugging

This is not so clear:

4: Charger ready car not charging due 
9: Charger ready car not charging due to battery full (reached charge limit)

By not so clear I mean that there is really no way that the pilot signal could give this information, except for Tesla cars (they use proprietary protocol).

Other states I have not seen lately… Also fault, 7, is a new finding from last ~3 weeks…

I did have an additional look at the data and below are my findings though observation (Model Y and Kia Soul EV+). To calculate the charge rate the EVSE thinks is happening I used:

Charge rate = ((reported energy at the end of charging - reported energy at the beginning of charging) / charging time in min) * 60

1: Idle, not connected
4: Idle, connected
8: Charging stopped, connected (either set limit reached or manually stopped via Tesla app, this seems to be the normal state following 10)
9: Charging stopped, connected (I only see 11 → 9 → 4 as a sequence)
10: Charging (it seems at a rate less than 10.5 kW? )
11: Charging (it seems at a rate of more than 10.5 kW)

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Looks like firmware 23.8.2 is starting to implement some things around modbus (RS485) for wired load sharing. Firmware 23.8.2 Details | Wall Monitor

Probably not active yet but definitely worth the attention.

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Does anyone experienced many deconnection in HA ?

My TWC 3 always connect / disconnect, many times per minutes. The Wifi signal is 84% and rssi - 48 which seems to be very good.

Capture d’écran 2023-04-18 à 19.42.30

2023-04-18 19:36:10.811 ERROR (MainThread) [backoff] Giving up async_request(...) after 3 tries (tesla_wall_connector.exceptions.WallConnectorConnectionTimeoutError: Timeout while connecting to Wall Connector at
2023-04-18 19:36:10.817 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tesla_wall_connector] Error fetching tesla-wallconnector data: Could not fetch data from Tesla WallConnector at Timeout
2023-04-18 19:36:40.370 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tesla_wall_connector] Fetching tesla-wallconnector data recovered

2023-04-18 19:42:11.290 INFO (MainThread) [backoff] Backing off async_request(...) for 0.1s (tesla_wall_connector.exceptions.WallConnectorConnectionTimeoutError: Timeout while connecting to Wall Connector at
2023-04-18 19:42:12.352 INFO (MainThread) [backoff] Backing off async_request(...) for 0.3s (tesla_wall_connector.exceptions.WallConnectorConnectionTimeoutError: Timeout while connecting to Wall Connector at
2023-04-18 19:42:13.680 ERROR (MainThread) [backoff] Giving up async_request(...) after 3 tries (tesla_wall_connector.exceptions.WallConnectorConnectionTimeoutError: Timeout while connecting to Wall Connector at
2023-04-18 19:42:13.684 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tesla_wall_connector] Error fetching tesla-wallconnector data: Could not fetch data from Tesla WallConnector at Timeout
2023-04-18 19:42:43.440 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tesla_wall_connector] Fetching tesla-wallconnector data recovered

Every time since one year …

it seems that when Wall monitor is active (and poll every 5 sec approximatively) the deconnection did not occurs.

I think this is an interesting point.

I just installed two twc gen3 and i wanted to use the power sharing mode. I live in Sweden (230V and main 20A fuse for the house. Both twc on 3x16A each). One twc on each side of the house. Unfortunately the didn’t connect to each other because they were to far away. I assumed that they use my home wifi for power sharing, but i was wrong…

I called Tesla and they told me that I hade to put them closer and a wifi extender won’t work.

But I bought a wifi extender anyways ans I got it working :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

Maybe this will help someone else!

First I extended the “slave” twc, and started the powersharing connection through the “master” twc. And when the start to communicate the “slave” connects to the “master” twc. So I just extended the “master” twc afterwards. And it have been working since.

But whats already reported, the “slave” disconnects frome my home wifi and I can’t get any data to Home Assistant. Maybe some of you find a solution that gets data from the main twc?

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I have 2 TWC3 setup with power sharing, I cannot find any solution to see the data of the second one, and display and use it in HA.
Does someone who alredy sucess ?

While you use the power sharing, you cannot see the second TWC3 in HA cause it’s connected to the first TWC3 access point (take a look at its IP)

Tesla Wall Connectors Gen 3 are now accessible from the Tesla app. To do that, you need to open the Tesla app, add product and follow the process (scan QR code and connect to TWC wifi).

I’m wondering if this changes the apis, if we can now control the max amps (for load balancing with the house), and if you guys have any remarks about it.

I was also thinking, it would be nice to have a YouTube video from some of you who are doing power sharing, to see how it works.

I totally agree. I’m just waiting for this to order a Wall Connector.
At the application level, it may need to be updated.

I have the gen 3 TWC and configured to show in the app, note I don’t have the charge on solar feature (US/ Canada only :frowning: ) I don’t see any additional API control functionality for the TWC.

I do however see new endpoints from the Tesla cloud API for the TWC, however at this stage they all look like monitoring points; power, handle temp and the like.

I’m interested in how the load balancing is achieved and can anything be utilised in HA, but haven’t seen anything yet.

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I have 2 wc3 under powersharing. Both connected to the Tesla App.
The only thing I can do through the app is to create a charging schedule for the master wc3, and see some statistics. If I want to create a charging schedule for the slave wc3 the app tells me to press the cable button and connect to its own wifi. It works and then I can create a schedule. But if I want to remove it I have to do the same procedure again.

Hopefully they fix this or even better make it possible to change the amps during charging, through the app (and api). Then I can remove the powersharing network and do my own powetsharing in HA, integrate solar system and do powersharing measured from my house power meter.

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My bad. I can actually do schedule on both twc3 with power sharing activated. It just took some time :man_shrugging:.

Did anyone try to scrape the communication protocol like it was done with gen2?

Also is it possible to show/set charging times (start/stop) as in the tesla app?

I have a Gen3 charger and a M3, and State 9 also happens for 1 min when power consumption starts. My guess is that it indicates some pre-charging tests, or power ramp-up. And indeed, it lasts several minutes at the end of a charge.

And then, one doesn’t need to charge to obtain State 11. It also happens also when preheating the car while plugged (also preceded by State 9 for 1 min). So State 11 indicate power consumption in general, not necessarily charging. The charger has probably no idea what the car is doing with the power it’s requesting. (On my MS 2013, heating was powered by the battery even when the car was plugged, but not charging.)

Anyone an idea if it is possible to read the VIN while charging? My father an law and I share the same wall connector and I would like to log the usage.

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Ok, as long as no one has an answer, I’ll live with the following workaround:

I have a camera facing the front of the garage. As soon as the charger gets plugged in, HA mails me a picture with the image of the car. Once a month I check my mails and merge the data with a list that I export from Tesla’s app. The list contains all charges from the wall connector (sadly, no VIN there either).

alias: eMail notification charger plugged in
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: camera.snapshot
      device_id: 25690f6e83a880a4b64af9e64ba94b4e
      filename: /config/temp/garagegam-foo.jpg
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: notify.email_notification
      message: Tesla charger plugged in
      title: Tesla charger plugged in
          - /config/temp/garagegam-foo.jpg
mode: single