Hi there!
I’m currently using Teslemetry’s service to access my car via Fleet API with its new pricing all setup. Everything seems to work just fine, but one thing which I can’t find in the documentation is, if I need to setup entities for streaming in the console on the website?
Or if the entities, which are enabled by default after the integration’s setup and are only accessible through streaming (according to the docs on the website where you can see what is available for which entity), are streaming regardless if I enter them in the streaming console or not?
If any other user out there or @Brett_Adams could chime in, what the right way to setup is, that would be awesome! My confusion stems from the switch in the APIs and the introduced rate limits (and credits).
So it would really be helpful to have some passage in the documentation as well, if an extra setup of streaming entities is necessary or if I should just lean back 
Thanks in advance!
Right now in the core integration, streaming is not being used for individual fields. This is because I wanted this feature to be very stable first, and Tesla has been changing things that I needed to respond to rapidly.
I also didn’t want this to be a complicated and unpredictable experience, so the reason the documentation doesn’t mention streaming setup in the console, is because it won’t even be required.
Starting in 2024.2, the integration will automatically use streaming fields instead of polling for whatever you have enabled, as long as:
- That field can be streamed
- Your vehicle firmware supports streaming that field
- You vehicle isn’t a pre2021 Model S / X
So essentially, if your happy on core, things are about to get better automatically.
If you want to live on the edge, I also published a version through HACS which is used for testing new things like streaming.
Thanks for the answer! I’m using the version from HACS since the beginning, since at this time there was no Teslemetry in Core and I needed a solution for the (soon to be) deprecated API 
Great work and I’m happily paying for it!
You pretty much answered my question, if fields that support streaming, will use streaming by default without setting them up for streaming in the console. So for those, there’s nothing to be done from my side, right?
So for what do (or can) I use the explicitly entered field for streaming then? Is it needed if I wanted to have a higher frequency of data being streamed from the vehicle through Teslemetry to HA?
Thanks again!