Testers Needed - Harmony Hub Support Implemented in Python

Many thanks for your reply.

Is this a HA limitation or a Harmony limitation?

harmony. Harmony doesn’t even track device states well. Most hardware that harmony interfaces with doesn’t actually send feedback. We are just getting to a point where alot of hardware has APIs. Just think about your remote, does it know the volume level of your tv? No, it can move it up and down though.

You are quite right, but I’m still not mentally prepared to ditch all my AV equipment just because it’s legacy and lacking an API. And I know that the Harmony don’t know anything about the realities. Still, running out of sync only happens once or twice annually (typically during power outages), so I’m prepared to “trust” the Harmony to be correct if I could make it report back (answer); “What is the most recent command you sent to my HDMI switch?”
But if the Harmony API from Logitech doesn’t support this, I guess it’s impossible ?

I got lucky in my setup. My receiver has an api. How old is your receiver? Chances are it has one if it was mid range and purchased in the last 5 years.

Hell, your tv might have one too. Have you checked for your devices in the components pages?

Yes, I have checked - it’s not there. How could it - when it’s not connected?
My TV is a 10 years old Samsung Smart TV (and not very Smart).
My AV surround amp is a 4 years old Logitech unit. It’s main quality is physical size - it fits inside my cabinet even with closed doors! :relaxed: