Testing changes locally

Hi all,

so I’m running HA on HASS right now, and to be quite frank, it’s my first development/hacking project that’s heavily containerized and I am not perfectly sure I understand the best workflow for hacking on this yet. (By which I mean I definitely don’t.) I would know how to do this in a package-based install, but I want to try something new :wink:

Say, for example, I want to pull in a new version of a python library (such as pyvlx) into my local instance. Or try any other patch really.

What’d be the best workflow to do so? Is there a recommended way to install an overlay to the container image, rebuild the container image myself …?

I’m sorry if this is covered in the documentation; if I missed it, I shall be quite grateful if you could point me to the URL.


Sorry, I’m not sure how that relates. That doesn’t override any system library like pyvlx?

Depends on what you want to do.

What does pyvlx do? Is it to run a component? If so, you can use your custom component to use a new version of any library you wish. You can use custom components to overwrite core components or enhance them.

If you want to just learn how to develop core, I suggest you read and use docker.

I’m not really sure what you are trying to accomplish.

It sounds like you want to build your own Hassio.

The sources are here.

There is also a builder script that may be useful if you fork the source.
