Hi in the troubleshooting guide is says you can test your script using “hass --script check_config”
Where do you enter this on a PI installation.
Regards Dave
Hi in the troubleshooting guide is says you can test your script using “hass --script check_config”
Where do you enter this on a PI installation.
Regards Dave
from the command line
If you do not have a screen and keyboard on the pi, you can connect via SSH to it - google how to connect to a computer by SSH.
The checking works really well - saved me lots of broken HASS restarts by pointing out my issues before loading the config in anger!
It depend how did you install hass? Did you use the all in one assistant? Use a virtual env or not?
Hi I downloaded the image for the SD Card.
Hi, I have SSH onto the PI using Putty, I get the error “hass: command not found” ?
Regards, Dave
Hello there,
since you use the image for the SD card, this command should work as expected :
sudo su - homeassistant -c '/srv/homeassistant/bin/hass --script check_config'
(assuming you are connected as pi user)
if you are connected as homeassistant you can type :
/srv/homeassistant/bin/hass --script check_config
also, i found this :
Yep that worked just fine
Many thanks for your help & time
Regards Dave
I could not get any of the above suggestions to to run after a fresh install using the all-in-one installer.
I (think I) was able to track it down by just poking around and it ended up using:
/srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/bin/hass --script check_config
I’m not sure if that is correct, but it returned with no errors.